
Christmas Surprise Decoupage Plate

I love making crafts.
I made this craft for Christmas a few years ago.
Right now I’m making Christmas ornaments for gifts.
I work from home so I’m able to have lots of fun spending time making the crafts with my kids!
Now this plate we still put Santa’s cookies on it. LOL
We had a great time as you can see!

Supplies are:
X-acto Knife
Paper Towels
Rubbing Alcohol
Foam Brush
Glass plate - You can get the plates at garage sales, Salvation army, dollar store…anywhere!
Book of your choice – you’ll be putting your child’s face in a copy of an illustration from the book.
You’ll make a copy to fit the glass plate. I had a color paper copy made of the book at Staples since it was bigger than my printer.

Mod Podge Outdoor or Hard Coat
I originally used Aleene's Reverse Collage Glue but I can't find it anymore. I called Plaid and they recommended the Mod Podge Outdoor or Hard Coat. They don't remain tacky. They are water resistant.

This is the book I used from Mary Engelbreit.
I chose an illustration where I felt I could cut out the faces and then put my children’s face BEHIND so they show through.

You are going to be applying your copies to the back of the plate so that they show through the front of the plate.
1. You will need to clean your plate first.
    To clean, pour some rubbing alcohol on a paper towel and rub it all over the back of the plate. Let it dry.

2.   To Cut: Use small scissors or X-acto knife and cut the faces out.

3.  Apply the Mod Podge finish to the front of your copy and then press it, face down, on the back of the glass plate. Smooth the edges of the copy with your fingers.

4.  This is the tricky part: apply the Mod Podge to the front of the copy of your child’s face and position your child’s face into the cutout.

Take time to position your children as they would appear in the cutout in the illustration.
Then brush on the Mod Podge over the back of the plate.
I made my kids lie down!
We had so much fun.!

Seal with the Mod Podge Outdoors or Hard Coat. They will just be for decorative use of course.
If you want to put a polyeurothane on the back you have to let this dry for 4 weeks before applying it!
These make great gifts!
Your child is now immortalized in the illustration!


  1. WOW! That is fantastic!! What a great job you did!

  2. What a great site!! Can't wait to use some of these ideas with my kids!
